
Jul 23, 2006
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Perfet Run

Oleetku Studios
Nick's Blog

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Website: Umlaut Games
Download: Thrustburst

Description: Thrustburst is a cute little game along the lines of One-Button Helicopter (A.K.A. Jetman), but with very much expanded mechanics.

For starters, you're always moving forward, but now you get a little control over speed. You want that increased control because you're trying to fly as close as you can to the walls. Why? scraping against the walls gives your ship more energy. Energy? Yes, energy to power your shield and "zero-pity high-powered aggregate free-electron laser beam Defender Cannon". Yeah, Jetman with a laser cannon. And you need that laser cannon because there are turrets and hoppers tanks and imperial drones all around, and they're shooting at you. I also hear that there's a giant enemy core somewhere at the end of the level, but I can't get more than 30 km in yet...

When you finish (usually by death) it gives you a lot of statistics about the last round, including jugglement. I actually asked the maker of the game what exactly jugglement is, and it's how many times you can hit airborne enemies with low powered lasers before they hit the ground. The game has a couple of cute things like that which you can do.

Even tho it's a really simple game, it's enough to be really fun. I've been obsessed with it since I've downloaded it (even played it at the drive-in during Indiana Jones), and I suggest it as a good game to waste a few minutes during a break with.

Score: 4/5
