Here at LCom's free game review, I'll do my best to give each game a relevant ranking which will corespond to the following list.
1: I'm going to do my best not to put anything which ranks a 1. If I do, it'll only be because it's one of those things which is legendary in its...level or horiblness.
2: A game which lands here is only worth a download if you're a fan of the genre, really bored, or just imeadely take anything which is offered to you.
3: Most games will fall around here. These are worth a download, but may not keep you coming back for more then a week.
4: At this level, a game is of higher quality. It's either shown a really high level of quality, fun gameplay, or extended longevity. Get it if you consider yourself a gamer.
5: Forged in the heart of a volcano...forest...a level 5 game is the answer to all your prayers, AND it's free. If you don't own a computer, this is why you would buy one.
Remember though, this is just a general arbitray list, and reflects my opinion of a game. If you don't trust me, then go ahead and get them all yourself. Otherwise, trust my word, and if you dissagree, then that ain't gonna change the way I do things.