
Jul 23, 2006
Jul 30, 2006
Mar 30, 2008
May 25, 2008
Jun 1, 2008

Perfet Run

Oleetku Studios
Nick's Blog

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If you really feel the need to contact me, then you can do so through the following methods.

E-mail: nick@korn.net
AIM: Xseption2Drules
in-game name (most games): LCom

I'll be happy to talk with you, but you must know that I'm not a very sociable person.

  Ranking System
Here at LCom's free game review, I'll do my best to give each game a relevant ranking which will corespond to the following list.

1: I'm going to do my best not to put anything which ranks a 1. If I do, it'll only be because it's one of those things which is legendary in its...level or horiblness.
2: A game which lands here is only worth a download if you're a fan of the genre, really bored, or just imeadely take anything which is offered to you.
3: Most games will fall around here. These are worth a download, but may not keep you coming back for more then a week.
4: At this level, a game is of higher quality. It's either shown a really high level of quality, fun gameplay, or extended longevity. Get it if you consider yourself a gamer.
5: Forged in the heart of a volcano...forest...a level 5 game is the answer to all your prayers, AND it's free. If you don't own a computer, this is why you would buy one.

Remember though, this is just a general arbitray list, and reflects my opinion of a game. If you don't trust me, then go ahead and get them all yourself. Otherwise, trust my word, and if you dissagree, then that ain't gonna change the way I do things.

  Welcome to LCom's Freeware Game Review!
Hello. My name is Nick, but you're welcome to refer to me as LCom.

I am a young gamer, and, worse then that, I'm broke. This has led to my becoming aquainted with the suprisingly vast world of freeware games available on the internet. I've finally decided to create a space where I can review some of the better games I've found, so all you faithful readers can pick some up in your spare time, and have some idea of what to expect.

Just as a refrence, I am currently 17 years old, have been a gamer for 13 years, a techie for 5 years, and a smartass for around 20 years. I spend at least 20+ hours a week playing video games, and am actively involved in a few video game related organizations in my community.

Althought I have never made any games myself, I have acumulated much experience with moddifying content from pre-existing games, and so do have some inner knowledge of game workings.

Please check back, and enjoy everything. Remember, it's only a whole lot of games!